The Top 5 Key Areas for a Better Healthcare System in 2024
According to the PwC healthcare barometer, around 57% of German citizens ranked their country’s healthcare system among the three best in the world in 2023.
This means that the population's approval of our healthcare system has fallen considerably over the past three years: in 2020, 72% of respondents were still giving the German system top marks.
We should therefore make decisive improvements to our healthcare system in 2024. In this blog post, you can find out which areas our CEO and founder Dr Sophie Chung is focusing on and what other healthcare experts have to say about them.

Key Area #1: Patient-centric Digitalisation Strategy
Digitalisation must be geared towards the needs of patients. This is the only way we can meet increasing demands and create a more efficient healthcare system. Going to the doctor should be on the same level as e-commerce.

Expert opinion: data protection and cybersecurity need to go hand in hand
‘Yes, digitalisation❤️! And in such a way that data protection and cybersecurity are incorporated and not constantly standing in the way or being used as an excuse for why digitalisation is not possible.
'By the way, I might add: Patient-centred is good, but the staff who are supposed to use the digital solutions also deserve a focus. In my environment, all the doctors reject digitalisation, which only makes their work more cumbersome.’ – Sarah Fluchs, CTO of Admeritia GmbH
Key Area #2: Interoperability of Systems
The networking of systems such as electronic patient filing, e-prescriptions and the patient portal is crucial. Currently, a lack of coordination is hampering the efficiency and quality of care that could be achieved here. We need to set standards that enable smooth communication between different systems.

Expert opinion: we must set binding international standards
‘It’s time we laid the foundations at last. This includes for cross-regional care planning with minimum case numbers, the abolition of sector boundaries and standardised funding. I’m also in favour of fewer laws, regulations and subsidies, but with tariffs that are ultimately fair.
'The time won’t be as favourable again because we are getting healthier and older, and medical innovations do cost a bit.
'I am also in favour of introducing mandatory international standards, such as structured formats for exchanging data and standardised interoperability with interfaces. I would also abolish all documentation requirements that are not directly related to patient treatment, to fundamentally relieve the burden on doctors, carers, patients and IT system providers.
'Data protection must be standardised nationwide in a modern and sensible way so that it does not cost human lives.’ – Jost Tödtli, consultant for the digitalisation of specialised medical processes, owner of Toedtli-consulting
Key Area #3: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2024 will be a year of conscious use of AI in medicine. We need to test, evaluate and decide where AI can be used sensibly. Solid infrastructure and access to high-quality data are crucial for the success of AI.
AI must reach a higher level of maturity in order to be used effectively in medicine. It can't act deliriously!

Expert opinion: acceptance of technology needs to be fostered
‘For me, the development of digital skills is hugely important alongside technology. We need specific training that is adapted to different target groups, in order to overcome our major problem of acceptance.
'Only when the technology is used effectively and we understand its actual purpose can the acceptance of it grow sustainably. This in turn is crucial if we are to utilise and further develop the quality of our medical technologies.’ – Miriam Moser, management consultant, blogger and speaker for digital competence in the healthcare sector
Key Area #4: Integrating All Forms of Care
The integration of outpatient, day-care and inpatient care is becoming increasingly important. We need to rethink our structures and processes in order to ensure efficient and patient-oriented care across all stages of treatment.

Expert opinion: there is still a lot of discontentment between stakeholders
‘One thing unites all aspects and is imperative for success: comprehensive cooperation between all stakeholders and across all sectors. I still see a lot of resentment and a lack of willingness to work together on the big issues of our time. That would be my overarching wish for 2024.’ – Fabian Marx, Europe West Business Transformation Leader in Healthcare at EY
Key Area #5: Competition for Patients will Increase
Despite an ageing population, the number of cases in hospitals is falling - a contradiction that shows that people often seek medical help too late. This not only leads to higher costs, but also reduces the chances of successful treatment.
Hospitals must therefore adopt a patient-centred approach to reach them earlier and offer more effective treatments.

Expert opinion: reducing bureaucracy is key to empowering medical staff
‘When looking at the development of the healthcare system in 2024, I consider it crucial to focus on optimizing our work processes.
'Reducing bureaucratic burdens and the targeted use of technology to automate administrative tasks are key elements in empowering medical staff to devote more time to direct patient care.
'This strategy not only reflects a patient-centered healthcare system, but also represents an economically efficient model that meets current and future needs.' – Dr. med. Zakariya Ali, Specialist in Radiology, Founder & CEO of Spitalo
2024 should be the year in which we put the full focus on patient centricity. Together with our founder and CEO Dr. Sophie Chung, we therefore advocate working together to create a healthcare system that puts people first. In the following recording, Dr. Sophie Chung provides further insights into the topics that she believes are important for healthcare facilities this year:

Would you like to find out more about how you can implement the Healthcare Trends 2024 in your healthcare facility? We will be happy to support you in developing a customized solution for your healthcare facility.
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